 Coordination of European projects in the frame of the Youth in Action Programme 2007-2013 > Coordination of European volunteers in sending and hosting (EVS) > Planning and organisation of intercultural exchanges and attendance of groups abroad > Coordination of Active Citizenship projects  coordination of vocational training internships in hosting (Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus)  organisation and participation in workshops and international events

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Davide from Brazil

One of our volunteers in Brazil came back to Italy for some days to present his dissertation
(CONGRATULATIONS!!!) and came on over to tell us about his experience. Here's what he said:
"Olá pessoal! Here I am, two weeks after my (first) return to Italy and one day before my longed for departure to Brazil. I can tell you my first impression after almost 2 months spent in Parnaíba as an EVS volunteer of the Youth in Action programme. Project and activities are going well, surely thanks to the welcoming atmosphere, the climate, and the kindness shown by the whole community of Barro Vermelho. They really embody that “jeito brasileiro”, the typical behaviour of those people who never lost their joy of living in spite of all adversities and hard plights. Our local activity covers different fields: from simply supporting children in after-school activities to collaborating with some Universities in Parnaíba, in order to give Arbave, our host association as much visibility as possible, and make it well known by as many people as possible. The aim is spreading their projects and ideas around in the widest and deepest way, so to create a network not just "by word of mouth" but tightly conected and integrated in the social and cultural structure. As for the personal side, sharing the same experience with 3 more people is exciting and challenging, and gives an added value to what we have gone through up to now. For the momente it "us" and "them", but I am confident that this distance between will get shorter and shorter. Até mais,

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Até breve Fátima!

And Fátima also left, the Portuguese volunteer who carried out her service at Casa della Rosa. She wrote that..." First of all, it's been an experience to write about, and of course I would recommend it to the others, because it's an opportunity to have a “work” experience, to know about life, people, a new language, a new culture, to better get to know ourselves. And it is also an opportunity to deal with daily life at home and at “work”, and to meet a lot of people from other countries at the same time. I found the most important things that I wanted to find (work, people, culture, living in community, sharing experience with foreign people, etc.) and the fact that I could carry out my own project inside the community. We can learn a lot with EVS, and if I didn't take this chance I wouldn't have had this wonderful experience in Italy!"

Good-bye Will and Louise!

They have just gone back to England and we are already missing their British accent!

Here is how Will and Louise describe their experience after 9 months at Coop. Agorà. Let's leave the last word to them!

WILL: "I feel that I have matured a lot throughout my EVS project. This experience has taught me a lot about responsibility, patience and maturity. have had an unforgettable time on my EVS. I have gained some valuable life skills that will help me in future adventures. I have also met some amazing people and some of these people I will never forget. I think that the skills I gained on a personal level would help in any future job. It has been very interesting adjusting to a new culture; at times it has been difficult but I have welcomed these challenges. Meeting other volunteers from around Europe and the world has made me more aware of other cultures and lifestyles."

LOUISE: "My project and the people within it have been fantastic. I could not have asked for better people to spend my 9 months with. Integration was difficult at first but after learning a bit more language I managed to have many pleasant conversations with my neighbours. The cultural differences were obvious when we tried to socialize with people our own age but I have found friends older than myself that I have spent quality time with and have enjoyed the company of very much. I have learnt many skills such as personal care, feeding and interaction of people less able. I have learnt a lot about the culture such as the importance of family.
I have learnt that European people seem to know more about the English than we do about the rest of Europe. I hope we can change this! This EVS has already helped me for the future as I have been offered a position working in the same environment. "

Monday, November 09, 2009

Agela wrote

Our ex-EVS Angela, now on vacation in Australia, writes us:

"The journey was... well... how to say? Veeery long, really a massacre, especially when I was sitting next to an old couple from Singapore who were arguing and hassling in their seats all time long :) Australia is a wonderful country. My first general impression: Sunshine and happy, kind, smiling people everywhere. They turn to you and cheerily greet you whatever you are doing (simply going to the grocery, ordering in a bar or simply in the street). I still find it hard communcating in English, when I want to say something Italian words always come out :) I'm going to buy a nice English book in order to switch me on a bit. Brisbane is a very big town but not very old, there are almost only new high palces and skyscrapers in the city, just a couple of churches and buildings from the colonies' time. In short, it doesn't look historical (like every Italaian corner), and I am already missing that. Australians themselves say a bit ironically that in Australia "no culture, but a lot of nature", which is true. There are countless opportunities to pass your free time into the wild, enjoying flora and fauna, and I am trying to get the most of my days here: a walk into the nearest National Park, (rainforest, waterfalls, eucalypt forest), a weekentoto the ocean and... the ocean is the ocean, no doubts, but to tell the truth I don't like it too much: the water is soo cold and there are such huge and scaring waves. The most beautiful thing for me is the jungle, where we even climbed up a vulcano: it was wonderful! Luckily I have also earned some money, so I don't feel guilty in buying some dresses :) and going on excursions every weekend :)
I have to go now, a big hug to everybody,